Search Results
57 items found for "murrelet"
- Connecting Wild Places—State of Connectivity on Private Lands
activities elsewhere on Humboldt Redwood Company lands, primarily in association with its so-called Marbled Murrelet
- The Endangered Species Acts—Tools of the Trade for Protecting Species Diversity and Forest Health
In EPIC’s first federal Endangered Species Act case, Marbled Murrelet v. old-growth forest in Owl Creek under would violate the ESA by harassing and harming the threatened marbled murrelet
- Save Richardson Grove: Think Globally, Act Locally
The redwoods in Richardson Grove also serve as critical habitat for Marbled Murrelets, Northern Spotted
- Third Lawsuit Filed to Prevent Caltrans From Vandalizing Ancient Redwoods in Richardson Grove State
The park also contains essential habitat for threatened and endangered species such as the marbled murrelet
- EPIC Victory for Richardson Grove
The park also contains essential habitat for threatened and endangered species such as the marbled murrelet
- Logging Industry Loses Latest Attack on Threatened Seabird
A federal district court today maintained conservation protections for rare marbled murrelets, a unique call home, despite undisputed scientific evidence that murrelets are continuing to disappear from the Murrelets don’t build nests, instead laying their single egg on natural, moss-covered platforms where The district court rejected logging industry claims that murrelets in central California could not be “The court’s decision keeps the murrelet protected down here in the redwood temperate rainforest.”
- EPIC Vigilance Gets Results
the structural components of the forest stand are also suitable for the extremely imperiled Marbled Murrelet of the “Nacho Libre” Timber Harvest Plan comes on the heels of another recent victory for owls and murrelets EPIC charged that the proposed plan would cause illegal “take” of Northern Spotted Owls and Marbled Murrelets
- EPIC Vigilance and Legal Action Cancels Harmful Logging Project in the Mad River Watershed – A
the structural components of the forest stand are also suitable for the extremely imperiled Marbled Murrelet regulations, the proposed plan would have resulted in illegal “take” of Northern Spotted Owls and Marbled Murrelets The withdrawal of the “Nacho Libre” THP comes on the heels of another recent victory for owls and murrelets
- Green Diamond and SPI Team Up to Log Old Growth Redwood and Harm Spotted Owls
It also turns out that the unit may provide suitable Marbled Murrelet habitat in addition to providing
- Pisces Party Tradition Celebrates Work of Richard Gienger
An example of adverse cumulative effects on wildlife would be the case of the Marbled Murrelets which size and over long periods of time may not significantly threaten the overall populations of Marbled Murrelets
- Final Spotted Owl Critical Habitat Rule Restores Federal Lands, But Excludes Redwood Region
Wildlife may allow increased logging in critical habitat, which could also imperil the threatened marbled murrelet
- Action Alert: Protect Northern Spotted Owl Habitat
ecosystem benefits and are essential to threatened species such as the Northern Spotted Owl, the Marbled Murrelet