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Vote for a Greener Future

Voting season is upon us, and mail-in ballots are already out for the Statewide Direct Primary Election, which is June 5, 2018. EPIC is joining our sister environmental groups to support the passage of Propositions 68 and 72, which are described below.

California Proposition 68: Parks, Environment, and Water Bond. A yes vote would authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds for: creation and rehabilitation of state and local parks, natural resources protection projects, climate adaptation projects, water quality and supply projects, and flood protection projects. Also, prop 68 money won’t be spent on the twin tunnels or dam building projects.

California Proposition 72: Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment. A yes vote would allow the state legislature to exclude rainwater capture systems added after January 1, 2019 from property tax reassessments. During a time of extreme drought and weather patterns, this is the least we could do to incentivize rainwater collection to store and save water during wet months for use during dry months.

If you live within Humboldt County, you should check out the Candidate Questionnaire on Environmental Issues that was put together by the Northcoast Environmental Center.

If you are not registered to vote in this election, you can register here until May 21, 2018.


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