We here at EPIC are close with Kris Kringle. (He is an environmentalist after all, using reindeer to power his sleigh instead of fossil fuels.) We are so close that EPIC has an exclusive sneak preview at his naughty and nice list.

The Nice List
EPIC Members: Our members are the best. You fuel our organization with your passion, know-how, and history. You take action, filling government inboxes and voicemails with letters and calls demanding the enforcement of environmental laws. Your generosity has kept our doors open, lights on, and staff working since 1977. Thank you!
Senator Mike McGuire: We like Mike. Mike is making the Great Redwood Trial, a 300ish mile walking and biking trails that would stretch from the Bay Area all the way to Eureka a reality. EPIC can’t wait to ride along the Eel River on our bikes!
KHUM: When our local community radio station was killed, KHUM stepped up and provided a new outlet for our radio show, the EcoNews Report. Listen in on Saturdays at 10am at 104.7fm or stream it as a podcast!
Sharon Duggan: EPIC’s longtime attorney finally retired after more than 35 years of service to the environment. Sharon represented EPIC in our first major lawsuit, EPIC v. Johnson, and has represented us ever since. Because of Sharon, EPIC was able to take and win cases that no one thought possible. We will miss her but are heartened to know she’s always a phone call away for advice.
Dennis Cunningham: Our 2019 Sempervirens Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Dennis deserves lots of goodies in his stocking this year. Dennis has always looked out for activists, from his first case defending Black Panther Fred Hampton, to representing North Coast environmental activists, including representing Judi Bari in her car bombing case. Because of Dennis, environmental activists were able to have a voice in the courtroom when the powerful and well-heeled sought to quiet them.
The Naughty List
Santa usually gives out coal to bad boys and girls, but given their track records, these foes of the environment would probably just try to sell it to coal power plants in China.
Mendocino National Forest: The Mendocino National Forest is trying to sell a commercial logging project as “road maintenance” to avoid environmental review and public scrutiny. EPIC challenged their bad behavior. Now for the courts to decide.
Governor Gavin Newsom: For all the talk about standing up to the Trump administration, Governor Newsom showed his real priorities in vetoing Senate Bill 1, the “California Environmental, Public Health, and Workers Defense Act of 2019.” This bill would have strengthened California environmental laws if the Trump administration were to try to weaken federal law, creating a backstop to help keep California green and gold.
Green Diamond Resource Company: Green Diamond keeps getting sweetheart deals that allow the company to clearcut marten and spotted owl habitat in exchange for…nothing really. First, the company received a “Safe Harbor Agreement” with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife–despite objections from internal agency scientists–which would allow Green Diamond to clearcut marten habitat and avoid state wildlife protections. Next, the company receives a new Habitat Conservation Plan from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service–again, over internal objections from agency scientists–to allow for more aggressive clearcutting based on the theory (supported by Green Diamond) that owls like clearcuts. Seriously. Green Diamond is a bully and gets its way through political pressure.
We will keep working hard and making sure to check on those naughty folks to make sure that they aren’t causing havoc and wreck on our forests!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at EPIC!
