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Protect the Mad River Watershed from the Kelsey Peak Timber Sale

EPIC Staff

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

A Humboldt Marten at a USFS bait station.
A Humboldt Marten at a USFS bait station.

Help us Protect the Mad River Watershed and Six Rivers National Forest!

The USFS is planning on logging 1,521 acres in the Upper Mad River Watershed, which is listed as impaired under the Clean Water Act for sediment and turbidity.  The Kelsey Peak Timber Sale proposes to log 271 acres of streamside Riparian Reserves and construct 4.24 miles of roads within the forest.  A new road is proposed through the middle of an old-growth stand that is slated for logging.  Ironically, USFS’s own research recommends decreasing the amount of roads.

Harvesting 15 Million Board Feet from this impaired watershed would fragment old growth habitat and may harm sensitive species such as Northern goshawk, Pacific fisher, American marten, bats, frogs and turtles.

The Forest Service’s single-minded focus on timber production, streamside logging and road building has created the negative resource conditions in this watershed.  The Upper Mad River needs restoration, not more destructive activities associated with logging.

USFS research shows:

  • “Project-level planning should consider connectivity between Late Successional Reserves.”  -Upper Mad River Watershed Analysis, p 38.

  • “A rigorous timber program over the past 40 years has reduced the amount of late-successional habitat in the watershed, which has most likely reduced the amount of late-successional species.”  -Upper Mad River Watershed Analysis, p 50.

  • “There is a strong need to look for opportunities to decrease road mileage throughout the forest, including within this watershed.”  -Upper Mad River Watershed Analysis, p 71.

  • “A reduction of sediment inputs from current levels is recommended.  This watershed is also approaching the threshold of concern for cumulative watershed effects.”  -The Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Turbidity Report (TMDL).

Take action to prevent further impairment of the Mad River watershed: Please follow this link to write a letter to the Forest Service.


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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