California's rich biodiversity is unmatched, from the California condor soaring above our coastlines to the elusive San Joaquin kit fox roaming our grasslands. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been crucial in protecting these iconic species and their habitats. Thanks to the ESA, species like the southern sea otter and the California least tern have made remarkable progress toward recovery.
But right now, these essential protections are under threat.
Certain political leaders and industry giants are spreading disinformation to weaken the ESA, prioritizing short-term profits over California’s environmental heritage. Under the guise of so-called "energy emergencies," they are pushing to strip protections from species that stand in the way of industrial development. In Washington, D.C., plans are underway to give an "Extinction Committee," or officially the Endangered Species Committee, the power to decide which species survive and which are left to vanish. This committee threatens to rubber-stamp exemptions for powerful industries that fund these political agendas, putting California’s unique wildlife at risk.

California has always led the way in conservation, and now we must act again. Our state’s vibrant ecosystems depend on a strong ESA. If Congress rewrites this law to prioritize industry interests, species like the Pacific leatherback sea turtle, the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, and the Coho salmon could be pushed closer to extinction.
We cannot allow California’s treasured wildlife to become collateral damage in this dangerous power play. Our ecosystems, tourism economy, and cultural heritage are all at stake.
Click here to urge the California Congress Members to defend the Endangered Species Act and oppose any legislation or executive actions that weaken protections for California’s endangered species.