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Power in Nature Coalition Responds to Governor Newsom's Revised Budget, Calls for Climate Bond

EPIC Staff


May 16, 2024

Contact: Sarah Hersh-Walker,, 510-759-2921


Sacramento, CA — The Power In Nature Coalition today responded to Governor Newsom’s revised 2024-2025 budget by calling attention to the need for continued investment in programs that build climate resilience and address the biodiversity crisis. These investments are essential in order for the State of California to reach its goal of protecting 30% of land and coastal waters by 2030 (30x30).

“These deep cuts threaten our state’s goal to achieve 30x30,” said Eamon O’Byrne, Executive

Director, Sonoma Land Trust. “They also underscore the need for the state to pass a climate resilience bond in 2024. Scientists worldwide agree that we must protect a minimum of 30% of the planet’s lands and coastal waters by 2030. This is actually the bare minimum needed to prevent ecosystem collapse, protect biodiversity, and stabilize our climate. In order to reach this goal in California, we need sustained funding for local 30x30 projects.”

The Governor’s revised budget proposal cuts nearly half a billion dollars of nature-based climate

solution funding. The biggest reduction from the proposal would end the Habitat Conservation

Fund this year, which provides $30 million annually to 30x30 projects. The Habitat Conservation

Fund was created in 1990 with the passage of Proposition 117. The Fund was set to sunset in

2030, but the Governor is proposing to end the commitment to provide general fund money to

the Habitat Conservation Fund early and deprive the 30x30 initiative of at least $165 million over

six years. The Legislature has rejected past efforts to gut funding from the Habitat Conservation

Fund because this fund is widely supported and would require a 4⁄5 vote by the Legislature to

approve this proposal.

Between the reductions proposed in January by the Governor and the newest proposed

reductions in the May Revision, the Governor’s proposed budget reduces funding for

nature-based solutions by $1.62 billion with the largest reductions directed at the Wildlife

Conservation Board ($497.4 million) and the State Coastal Conservancy ($392 million).

“The Governor’s revised budget has alarming implications for programs that help ensure

California streams and lakes remain clean and healthy,” said Sam Davidson, Public Lands Policy

Director for Trout Unlimited in California. “Reducing or zeroing out funding for protecting and

restoring freshwater sources and habitats undercuts the State’s climate goals and is a major

step backward in securing drinking water supplies, supporting local communities dependent on

freshwater-based economic drivers such as fishing and outdoor recreation, and protecting and

recovering biodiversity, including salmon and other freshwater fishes.”

Given the state’s bleak fiscal outlook and the growing climate threat, a November 2024 climate

bond that invests in both communities and nature is essential. Last year more than 60

organizations within the Power In Nature Coalition sent a letter to the Newsom Administration

urging that a final climate bond include $5 billion for 30x30 outcomes.

Californians continue to face worsening impacts of the climate crisis, including record-breaking

heat, extreme wildfire, drought, and historic flooding. Moreover, California is the most biodiverse

state in the nation–one of 36 global “biodiversity hotspots”–facing severe risk to native species.

have dropped 69% since 1970.

Governor Newsom recognized the urgency of the intertwined climate and biodiversity crises and

in 2020 issued Executive Order N-82-20. This Executive Order set the state’s 30x30 target and

was codified into law by Senator David Min’s (SD-37) bill SB 337 last year.

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About the Power In Nature Coalition

Power In Nature is a statewide coalition of over 100 community groups, environmental

and conservation organizations, land trusts, indigenous organizations and tribal

members dedicated to advancing California’s 30x30 commitment. The Power In Nature

coalition has identified nearly 100 potential 30x30 projects across the state and works on

a broad range of issues including biodiversity protection, climate resilience, equity,

recreation, outdoor access and social justice. For more information visit


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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