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Naughty & Nice List: Environment Edition 2024

Tom Wheeler

We here at EPIC are close with Kris Kringle. (He is an environmentalist after all!) Santa’s reliance on a sleigh powered by reindeer emphasizes sustainable travel, while the North Pole workshop showcases a commitment to renewable resources through the use of magic and craftsmanship rather than industrial processes. And his focus on handmade toys reduces waste and promotes a circular economy that encourages children to value experiences over materialism. Additionally, his emphasis on “making a list and checking it twice” encourages mindful and demure gift-giving, advocating for thoughtful presents that avoid excess consumption.

Through these practices, Santa embodies principles that align with environmentalism. We are so close with Saint Nick that EPIC has an exclusive sneak preview at his naughty and nice list. To those on the nice list, we are incredibly grateful for your work to protect our habitat, Earth. Thank you for your generosity, kindness, and inspiration this year. We look forward to a brighter future ahead. 

To those on the naughty list…well, Santa usually gives out coal to bad boys and girls, but given their track records, these foes of the environment would probably just try to sell it to coal power plants.


  • Golden State Natural Resources & Drax: Should we chop down California forests to turn into wood pellets to burn in Chinese power plants? No! That’s what Golden State Natural Resources is trying to do. And it is hoping to use taxpayer subsidies to help pay for it.

  • Shell and other fossil fuel companies: for reducing their renewable energy goals and doubling down on fossil fuels. As the climate continues to warm and natural disasters continue to become more frequent and severe, this is the exact opposite of what our planet needs.

  • CAL FIRE: for developing a new management plan for the Jackson Demonstration State Forest, but refusing to do environmental review for the new management plan and refusing to commit to prohibitions against large-tree logging. Boo.

  • Republican attorneys general: for attempting to block 2024 NEPA regulations that incorporate indigenous knowledge and environmental justice concerns.

  • Rob Arkley and Citizens for a Better Eureka: for abusing the California Environmental Quality Act to try to stop affordable housing development in Eureka. That’s pretty despicable.


  • Rob DiPerna, 2024 Sempervirens Lifetime Achievement Award winner: Rob has reviewed more timber harvest plans than nearly anyone else alive, and his dogged determination to see California’s environmental laws vigorously enforced kept the timber industry up at night.

  • The Klamath River Renewal Corporation, local tribes, fishing groups, environmental organizations, and restoration companies: for influencing and carrying out the world’s largest dam removal and river restoration project. As of now, there are salmon spawning above the dams and repopulating the Upper Klamath Basin for the first time since the dams were built over 60 years ago!

  • The Power in Nature Coalition: Over one hundred groups have banded together to advocate for land conservation and to achieve California’s goal of conserving 30% of the state by 2030. Already the Power In Nature has successfully helped pass Proposition 4, a $10 billion climate bond, reversing budget cuts for conservation, and has worked with California tribes on new National Monument campaigns to protect sacred land. 

  • The California Natural Resources Agency: for putting investing in tribal conservation efforts, including $101 million in grant funding for tribal co-stewardship and tribal nature-based solutions, including land back.

  • All the staff, board, donors, attendees, and volunteers who made EPIC’s 2024 Fall Celebration a great success.

Happy holidays from the EPIC team!


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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