We have called on you numerous times this past year to let the Citizen Redistricting Commission know that the North Coast’s interests are best served by preserving existing state and federal legislative districts that tie the coast, from Marin to Del Norte, together. I have been so impressed by your response—we have had dozens of unique comments made by EPIC members to the Commission. (I am also not alone in being impressed. Redistrict Partners, a political consulting agency, highlighted just how uniform the demand has been. Check out their blog post here.)
That’s why I am so shocked that some initial visualizations provided to the Commission lump the North Coast together with inland Northern California.
Apparently we need to be even LOUDER. Click here to take action to let the Commission know that the North Coast needs to be separate from inland Northern California.
First, these are "visualizations" only, they are not draft maps. Take a deep breath. The Commission was given a number of different visualizations, multiple of which conflict with each other. I think these visualizations are useful in helping to provoke important dialogue before the Commission about what draft maps, anticipated in November, should look like. Drawing Humboldt/Del Norte together with other Northern California Counties is something that the Commission is bound to consider (and hopefully reject).
Second, while these are not draft maps it is important to take these maps seriously and that we respond with a clear voice that we need to preserve the North Coast and Trinity County together. Click here to send a message to the Commission.