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It’s Back! Take Action to Save Salmon River Old Growth Forests (Updated)

UPDATED November 20, 2013: The comment period for this Timber Sale has closed on Nov 20. EPIC, along with allies, submitted comments demanding that a full environmental analysis be done due to the exceptional circumstances surrounding this project. Though your letter will be late, it is important to keep sending messages to the Klamath National Forest that logging old growth on the Marble Mountain Wilderness boundary is a Bad Idea.

Take Action Now! The Little Cronan Timber Sale is back again.  The Klamath National Forest needs to hear your opposition.  Logging this old growth forest stand would have a big impact on many values we hold dear.  The project proposes, not only to log nesting habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl, but also to build landings and a road over a trail leading to the Marble Mountain Wilderness within a Wild and Scenic River corridor and within a Key watershed that is critical for salmon recovery.

The North Fork Salmon River is home to threatened Coho Salmon and to Chinook Salmon, including critically imperiled Spring-run Chinook.   The Salmon River provides one of the last strongholds for the nearly extinct Spring Chinook, a species that needs cold, clean water while holding in deep pools throughout the dry season.  The Garden Gulch trail, leading to the wilderness, would be used as a logging road, with skid trails and landings directly adjacent to a tributary leading to this Key watershed.

To add insult to injury the Forest Service believes that the project does not need an environmental analysis, that there are no extraordinary circumstances.  Tell the Forest Service that logging old-growth trees next to critical salmon streams and spotted owl habitat is unacceptable.

EPIC was successful at halting the project for over a year, based on Forest Service violations of the Endangered Species Act.    Rather than learning from its mistakes, the Forest Service is ignoring the best available science, public comments, and the law.

Please let the Forest Supervisor and Ranger know that the Wild and Scenic North Fork Salmon River and old growth forest stands need protection not destruction!


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

Open by appointment

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