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EPIC In Review

When it comes to getting work done, our little organization packs a giant punch.  In recent days, we have been involved in numerous campaigns and are excited to be a part of these grass roots efforts that are shaping our environment and our future. To keep you informed of our happenings, we have provided a sample of the work that we have been involved with over the past few weeks.

Comments to urge Del Norte County to better analyze the Tryon Bridge replacement project – As proposed, this project would result in impacts to the Smith River and steelhead, coho and chinook salmon populations.

California Drought Bill letter – The Drought Bill (HR 3964), proposes to waive major elements of state and federal environmental laws and de-designates a portion of the Merced wild and scenic river. EPIC has joined the Environmental Water Caucus in calling on Representatives to reject this environmentally damaging legislation.

Letter of Support for Humboldt County No GMO Ordinance – This letter urges Humboldt County Board of Supervisors to pass an ordinance that would ban GMOs in Humboldt County. The County had the opportunity to enact the ordinance without going before voters, but voted instead to put it on the November Ballot.

Environmental Coalition Letter to Feinstein and Boxer – As written, Senate Bill 2198 would exacerbate impacts on the environment and the salmon industry without addressing the underlying causes of water shortages. This letter urges Senators Boxer and Feinstein to ensure that their legislation reduces the impacts of the drought on California’s environment and the salmon fishery.

Grassroots Fracking Letter – This coalition letter urges members of the California Legislature to support SB 1132, which will impose a moratorium on fracking, acidizing and other will stimulation techniques.

Request for comment time extension of Bay Delta Conservation Plan – As proposed, BDCP is lacking an implementation agreement, which defines obligations, provides assurances, ensures adequate funding, specifies responsibility for implementing measures, provides for enforcement and remedies for failure, and establishes the process for changes. In this letter, EPIC and others request an extension of the public comment period since the BDCP is incomplete without the implementation agreement because it does not specify any commitments the parties have made to fund and promote mitigation measures.


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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