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Enchanted Meadows Needs Your Help!

Our friends at Friends of Enchanted Meadows are fighting to protect their sanctuaries from Mendocino Redwood Company’s (MRC’s) destructive logging. Enchanted Meadows is located within the Albion River watershed and contains 1.5 miles of river and wetlands that is directly bordered by an approved MRC timber harvest plan (THP). Now, MRC is threatening to log right up to the border of this special place and Enchanted Meadows needs your help.

As the result of a court settlement, the Enchanted Meadows sanctuaries were transferred by MRC to Friends of Enchanted Meadows (FOEM) in 2008 and parceled into three nature preserve areas. These nature preserves protect a unique ecosystem of coastal redwood forest and riparian habitat adjacent to the Enchanted Meadow on the Albion River. This includes habitat for the endangered coho salmon. Today, FOEM operates these lands as a non-profit nature preserve. The three sanctuaries in operation today are the Ravens' Call Sanctuary - 26 acre Redwood, Fir & Tan Oak preserve, the Albert Cattalini Conservancy - 10 acre riparian corridor, and the Enchanted Meadow Wetlands Sanctuary - 52 acre estuarine river wetlands.

FOEM believes a property survey is needed to clarify boundaries before any logging occurs because MRC is using their shared property lines with FOEM as the THP boundaries.The property lines are blurred due to landslides from failing MRC haul roads and missing property stakes. FOEM wants a no cut buffer zone along MRC's lands that border FOEM's nature preserves. Otherwise, MRC will log right up to their property boundary and negatively impact their sanctuaries.

Please help in the fight to save Enchanted Meadow's sanctuary lands! Contact FOEM if you can provide any support or by calling 707-937-2031. They are looking for folks to conduct onsite THP boundary monitoring (you would be on their lands and not citable for trespass), onsite camping surveillance, and anyone with legal, secretarial skills, such as a fast typist with a good computer and printer. You can also help their defense expense by donating at PayPal on their website at

advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

Open by appointment

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