Directed by Portland filmmaker Trip Jennings and produced by Ralph Bloemers, the critically acclaimed documentary ELEMENTAL: REIMAGINE WILDFIRE will premiere in Arcata on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at the Arcata Theatre Lounge with live Q&A after the film with Margo Robbins, Rick O’Rourke and Elizabeth Azzuz - plus Director Trip Jennings. Doors at 4:30 / film at 5:00 / live Q&A after the film.
Buy your tickets soon because the show is expected to sell out! All proceeds will go to the Cultural Fire Management Council. Also find EPIC’s table and come say hello before the film begins!
Filmed in Oregon and narrated by David Oyelowo, ELEMENTAL: REIMAGINE WILDFIRE (84 min) takes viewers on a journey with the top experts in the nation to better understand fire. The film starts with the harrowing escape from Paradise, California as the town ignited from wind-driven embers and burned within a few hours of the fire's start and then continues to recent record shattering fires. ELEMENTAL includes the voices of climate experts, Indigenous people and fire survivors, and asks us to reimagine our relationship with wildfire as we prepare for an increasingly hotter future.
“California is severely affected by these fires. I did not realize how much can be done by hardening one’s home. I did not realize that embers are more dangerous than the fires,” said David Oyelowo. “It was a huge honor and a pleasure to do this documentary, it is not only informational, I think it is life saving. I hope it will inspire you to take some of the steps advised, and some of the steps that I am taking myself.”
In the wake of destructive fires across the nation, ELEMENTAL is an important look at discovering how we can all reimagine our relationship with wildfire, and keep our homes and communities safe. The solutions are now more timely and urgent than ever.
Former United States Forest Service Chief Michael Dombeck says of the documentary, "Elemental is an outstanding film that deserves the widest possible viewing. In a visually stunning manner, it distills what we’ve learned about wildland fire over the decades and provides a road-map for badly needed changes that will benefit thousands of people, particularly in fire prone communities.”
Trip Jennings founded Balance Media and has worked with National Geographic for over a decade. His films have won dozens of awards around the world and have aired on major networks on every continent. He is the producer of the PBS Digital Series Weathered. For nearly two decades, Ralph Bloemers has worked on wildfire and community safety, restored burned landscapes, and assisted the scientific community with bringing their knowledge and research to the public.
Learn more at https://www.elementalfilm.com/.
Contact - Ralph Bloemers, Executive Producer, 503-504-2432, ralph@greenoregon.org