EPIC and Mad River Alliance are partnering with Humboldt Green, California Growers Association and the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District to produce a series Cannabis Farmers Compliance Workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to help educate people about: a suite of new laws and regulations for commercial medical cannabis agriculture, the steps necessary to have farms comply with the new laws, and how to protect the health of our forests, water, and quality of life here on the North Coast.
At these workshops, there will be presentations by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and experts on state and county laws there to answer citizen’s questions.
Upcoming Workshops:
People attending the workshops will also receive the 2016 Compliance Handbook outlining these new laws including California’s Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, the Humboldt County Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Waiver of Waste Discharge for Cannabis.
The 2016 Compliance Handbook was created by EPIC in conjunction with Mad River Alliance, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Department of Fish & Wildlife and Humboldt County. Creating this handbook was a labor of love. We literally distilled hundreds of pages of regulations into 22 pages—into the essence of what is needed for people to understand and comply with the law.
Why trust us? We are not the government. We are not trying to sell people anything. We are apart of this community and here because we want to see people in this region as part of the solution. We want to help people navigate this task and series of laws and ordinances because it will be good for the environment. We believe it honors the original spirit of the back-to-land people and founding farmers of this unique region. We also hope it will help to keep our families and communities safer as we move into the future.
