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Action Alert: Tell Humboldt County Board of Supervisors to Pass No Herbicide Spray Resolution 10/25

EPIC Staff

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

Humboldt County Courthouse, Sheriff's Office and Correctional Facility in Eureka, CA. Photo from Wikimedia (PD).

At its next meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 9am at the County Courthouse, 825 5th Street, Eureka, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will consider and vote on the Resolution Opposing the Spraying of Herbicides in Humboldt County, which would ban herbicide spraying on county-owned lands and on private property without the express written consent of the landowner. County staff will be asked to seek public input and develop an Ordinance to prohibit the use of herbicides on county-owned lands and right of ways unless no feasible alternative exists and is approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Homemade "no spray" sign in Humboldt County: "leave me the birds and the bees please".

The proposed Resolution responds to widespread community opposition to the utility giant Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)’s plan to resume spraying highly toxic herbicides on hundreds of public and private properties throughout Humboldt County, which was leaked by local news on Friday, October 1, 2022 with application to begin the following Monday, and sparked the need for the County to clarify its position on herbicides. Read the joint statement from EPIC and our allies. As of October 3, it appears that PG&E has postponed spraying and is requiring individuals to opt into the program.

It is past time for Humboldt County to formalize its No Herbicide Spray policy. For decades, Humboldt County, Caltrans and PG&E have demonstrated that herbicides are not needed to adequately control vegetation to meet fire and safety requirements:

  • A suspension by County agencies of the formerly intense use of herbicides on County properties began in 1987 and is still in place today 35 years later.

  • Caltrans first halted spraying of herbicides in Humboldt County in 1989 and, other than a limited retry in 1996, has not broadcast herbicides on roadsides in Humboldt County for 33 years.

  • PG&E stopped its use of herbicides to clear around the base of power poles throughout Humboldt County in 2002, and has successfully used alternative vegetation control methods for 20 years.

Achievements like these have come about only when people from throughout Humboldt County raise their voices to oppose dangerous herbicide spraying. Join the action now if you haven’t already! Specific, factual and persuasive comments are most likely to convince Supervisors to vote in favor of the Resolution. Voice your support of the Resolution to oppose herbicide spraying in Humboldt County:

We look forward to seeing the Board of Supervisors approve a Resolution to clarify the County’s position on herbicide use on its right of ways and County-owned lands this Tuesday, with the support of many concerned Humboldt people.

A special thanks to Californians for Alternatives to Toxics - this action alert is based on the work and organizing of Executive Director Patty Clary.


advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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