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Action Alert: Speak up for California’s Northern Spotted Owls

Take Action Now: The Board of Forestry is set to decide whether or not to delete antiquated and unnecessary regulations that result in habitat destruction for spotted owls.  A major initiative in EPIC’s Spotted Owl self-defense program, the campaign to delete “option ‘g’” intends to reduce unnecessary regulations while at the same time providing greater protection for spotted owls. Deleting option ‘g’ will result in more habitat for owls and reduce the work load of state regulations and foresters alike.

Back in March of 2013, EPIC asked you to voice your support for our petition to delete option ‘g.’ We are now very close to our goal, but will need your support one more time.  We need the Board of Forestry to hear from you.  Please take a moment for the following action.  Your support will help EPIC give voice to the owls, the best available science, and simple common sense.


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