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2023 Annual Report

Updated: Apr 15

EPIC is pleased to present our 2023 Annual Report, highlighting our work, accomplishments, and growing team. Despite industrial, political, and economic challenges, we have made steady progress toward our goals of maintaining healthy ecosystems and ensuring the continued survival of imperiled species in our wild backyards.

In 2023, we worked to protect:

  • Mature forests and wildlife on public lands from logging by monitoring and commenting on every timber sale in the region;

  • The planet from climate change by advocating for a robust Humboldt County Climate Action Plan and engaging in the planning process for the proposed Humboldt offshore wind energy project;

  • 631,000 acres in California through our work with the CA 30x30 Power in Nature Coalition;

  • Jackson Demonstration State Forest by advocating for tribal co-management;

  • The ancient redwoods along Highway 101 in Richardson Grove from Caltrans' ill-conceived road-widening project by filing yet another lawsuit;

  • Endangered salmon in the Shasta and Scott Rivers by advocating to the State Water Board for minimum flows and pollution regulations and winning a lawsuit to hold NOAA Fisheries accountable for ensuring safe harbor agreements actually protect fish;

  • Federally threatened northern spotted owls by suing the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for issuing a permit to Sierra Pacific Industries to take spotted owls, filing a complaint against Humboldt Redwood Company for refusing to enact an invasive barred owl removal program, and successfully objecting to the Mad River August Complex timber sale so that the U.S. Forest Service logged 36% less spotted owl habitat; and

  • One of Mendocino County's four currently active bald eagle nest trees from Pacific Gas & Electric Company chainsaws by working with tribal partners and rallying our supporters to send hundreds of emails to PG&E.

With your support, we will continue our efforts and keep accomplishing this important public interest work so that future generations can experience thriving forests, rivers and wildlife. You are the lifeblood that makes EPIC's work possible, and we gratefully ask you to help us continue the good fight by making a donation to EPIC today. As you have probably noticed, inflation is on the rise; and accordingly, donations to EPIC and other nonprofits have been declining. If you are able, please consider doubling your donation!

Click here to browse our archive of annual reports dating back to 1994.

For the wild!

The EPIC team

advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.

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