Apr 12, 2010
Joint Lawsuit Filed to Protect Pacific Fisher
Late last week This little critter has been decimated by historic fur trappers and their habitat destroyed by widespread old-growth...
Feb 19, 2010
Feinstein’s Water Grab Would Threaten Salmon Population
Send an email to Senator Barbara Boxer asking her to oppose Diane Feinstein’s Water Grab Plan that Will Seriously Threaten North Coast...
Feb 11, 2010
EPIC and Allies Intend to Sue to Protect Pacific Fisher
In 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service acknowledged that the threat to fishers—whose populations were diminished by historic fur...
Jan 21, 2010
Marbled Murrelet Remains Threatened Under the ESA
“The timber industry’s effort to force delisting was always ludicrous, basically exactly the opposite of what conservation science has...