
Mar 10
THE ECONEWS REPORT: Trump Has Gutted NEPA. What Does That Mean?
Image: Stable Diffusion The Trump Administration has taken a large whack at the National Environmental Policy Act (often better known by...

Feb 24
THE ECONEWS REPORT: The Makers of the New Documentary on Baduwa’t Tell Us Why They Told the River’s Story
Photo of Baduwa't by Dave Feral Filmmakers Dave Feral and Michelle Hernandez talk with The EcoNews Report about their new film about...

Feb 18
THE ECONEWS REPORT: A Deal for the Eel?
This week on the EcoNews Report, host Alicia Hamann from Friends of the Eel River talks about the flurry of recent developments on Eel...

Feb 4
THE ECONEWS REPORT: Dissecting Trump’s First Week
President Trump has entered his second term with a wave of executive orders and other executive actions. These have pulled the U.S. from...

Jan 27
THE ECONEWS REPORT: International Climate Action in a Trump Era
Every year, delegates from across the globe meet to discuss how we can muster an international response to climate change. On November 5,...

Jan 21
THE ECONEWS REPORT: President Carter’s Environmental Legacy
Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer. Humanitarian. President. Environmentalist?

Jan 13
THE ECONEWS REPORT: Green Burial — Thinking Outside the Coffin
The green burial movement, the science behind natural burial, and efforts to create a conservation burial ground in Humboldt.