
Win For Conservation Groups: Illegal “Crawford” Old-Growth Timber Sale Withdrawn
“It is time that the Forest Service work with communities and stakeholders to restore forests, protect homes and communities and...
Aug 11, 2020

BREAKING: EPIC Win For Mendocino National Forest at the Ninth Circuit!
In 2018, the Ranch Fire burnt a significant portion of the Mendocino National Forest. In response, the Mendocino National Forest...
Aug 3, 2020

Opening Brief Filed in Case to Save Humboldt Marten
In late May, EPIC submitted an opening brief in the case to overturn a permit that threatens California’s last remaining Humboldt...
Jul 2, 2020

Green Diamond’s THP Fails Forests, Watersheds and Wildlife in Sproul Creek
On February 27, 2020, Green Diamond submitted the “Gibson Ridge” Timber Harvest Plan (THP) # 1-20-000-24-HUM to clearcut over 200 acres...
May 19, 2020

Action Alert: Green Diamond Clearcuts Threaten Humboldt Marten in Klamath Glen
Take Action: Green Diamond clearcuts—that’s pretty clear-cut. What’s not, perhaps, are the consequences of its clearcuts, as the company...
Jan 10, 2019

EPIC Files Formal Complaint and Appeal of Green Diamond Certification by Forest Stewardship Council
Complaint to appeal the decision of the Re-Certification of Green Diamond Resource Company as in conformance with the standards and...
Jan 9, 2019

Clever Gov’t Tricks Undercut Marten Protections
Let’s start with the Endangered Species Act. The Act has two tiers of protections. “Endangered Species,” those closest to extinction,...
Oct 10, 2018