
EPIC and Allies Challenge California’s Largest-Ever Timber Sale
EPIC and our allies have filed suit against the U.S. Forest Service challenging California’s largest timber sale in modern history: the...
Jul 31, 2023

Judge: Federal Shasta River “Safe Harbor” Coho Salmon Program Violates Endangered Species Act
Late yesterday, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against a federal “Safe Harbor” program on...
Jul 12, 2023

Legal Agreement Gives West Coast Fishers New Shot At Crucial Protections
Rare Forest Carnivore Threatened by Logging, Poison, Climate Change In a legal victory, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed on...
Jun 12, 2023

Richardson Grove Back in Court - We Need You!
We need your help! EPIC and our allies are back in court to defend the ancient redwoods of Richardson Grove State Park. Can you attend...
May 31, 2023

BREAKING: EPIC & WELC Launch Lawsuit to Overturn Trump-Era Permit to Kill Northern Spotted Owls
For immediate release May 18, 2023 Advocates launch lawsuit to overturn Trump-era permit to kill northern spotted owls Contacts: Tom...
May 18, 2023

Legal Challenge Filed to Halt Caltrans’ Richardson Grove Project
Road Widening Project Would Harm Iconic Old-Growth Redwood Grove For Immediate Release, March 10, 2023 Contact: Tom Wheeler, EPIC, (206)...
Mar 10, 2023

Public Records Act Request Reveals Abuse of Environmental Review Process by CAL FIRE
EPIC has unearthed documents through a Public Records Act request that show that CAL FIRE has been secretly editing questions submitted...
Jul 18, 2022