
Oct 3, 2013
EPIC Joins 67 Groups to Urge California to Ban Super Toxic Rat Poison
A Coalition of 67 conservation, environmental justice, public health, worker’s rights and sustainable farming groups joined more than...

Sep 3, 2013
Unsustainable Cannabis Agriculture Practices Must Come to an End
To the Editor: This letter is intended to serve as a public statement about marijuana agriculture in Northern California on behalf of...

Aug 28, 2013
Stop Pollution Pot—Ban Super Toxic Rat Poisons
Take Action. An explosion in cannabis agriculture activity on the North Coast of California has resulted in a higher degree of public...

Aug 19, 2013
EPIC Supports Proposed Federal PLANT Act As Step Toward Federal Cannabis Reform
North Coast environmental groups and coalitions representing more than 35,000 supporters have expressed supported for a proposed federal...

Aug 7, 2013
Northern Spotted Owl Achieves Candidacy Status Under California Endangered Species Act
petition filed by the Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) requesting the listing of Northern Spotted Owls as “threatened”...

Apr 15, 2013
EPIC to Participate in HSU Earthday Symposium to Examine Marijuana’s Environmental Impact
An undeniable point of fact is that industrial cannabis agriculture is having an increasingly quantifiable affect on local and global...

Oct 11, 2012
EPIC Requests Forest Service Analyze Impacts of Marijuana Grows on National Forest Lands in Northwes
This letter follows a previous letter sent to the Mendocino National Forest in the summer of 2011, and to which the Acting Supervisor of...