Leave a Legacy Gift to EPIC
Be Like a Snag & Leave a Legacy for Forests
If you are looking to leave a legacy after you are gone, look to the forest:
among the green trees are standing dead trees, called snags. When a tree dies, its importance to the forest ecosystem doesn’t diminish but changes. Dead wood brings new life.
Often called “legacy trees,” snags provide unique legacy for a diverse range of species, from decomposers like fungi and insects, to mammals like the Pacific fisher and Humboldt marten, and to our old friend, the Northern spotted owl. Over time, the snag will rejoin the soil and its nutrients will fuel the growth. And in this pattern, forests existed before us and will continue after we are gone.

Be like a snag and ensure that your legacy and impact are felt long after you are gone. Consider a gift in your will or living trust to EPIC. Gifts can be anything—from stocks to money to property. Your gift will continue to provide benefit long after you are gone by supporting the activists, scientists, policy professionals, and lawyers of EPIC. Like a nurse log, you will continue to nurture and support the next generation of environmental leaders.
Leaving a legacy gift is simple: If you currently have a will, you can easily add a codicil (amendment) to include a gift to EPIC. An example of appropriate language for inclusion in your will or living trust is:
“I give, devise and bequeath to the Environmental Protection Information Center, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation with the Federal Tax ID # 94-2798433 and the mailing address of 145 G Street, Suite A, Arcata, California 95521, the sum of ___________dollars [or otherwise describe the asset] for its general purposes and use at the discretion of the Environmental Protection Information Center’s Board of Directors.”