Action Alerts
Help Us Defend Richardson Grove: Donate to Our Legal Fund!
URGENT: Tell CA Transportation Commission to Drop Funding for Richardson Grove Project
Take Action to Advocate for Salmon Recovery Flows in the Scott and Shasta Watersheds
Take Action: Protect Old-Growth Forests Nationwide!
ACTION ALERT: Urge the Six Rivers National Forest to Rethink the Rattail Logging and Road Building Project
ACTION ALERT: Protect Horse Mountain Botanical Area from Unmanaged Target Shooting
ACTION ALERT: Provide Input to Protect California's Black Bears!
ACTION ALERT: Help Defend the Habitat Conservation Fund from Budget Cuts
ACTION ALERT: Help Defend 30x30 Funding in the State Budget
ACTION ALERT: Urge President Biden to Protect Sáttítla Medicine Lake Highlands
Participate in environmental democracy and take action by telling relevant agency officials and decision makers what you think about various project proposals affecting Northwest California's natural environment. Subscribe to our email list to be notified of future opportunities for action.